9 Best Passports in the World to Get Right Now By Investing
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Caribbean, Europe, News feed Date: 16 August, 2024

9 Best Passports in the World to Get Right Now By Investment

9 Best Passports in the World to Get Right Now By Investment

RIF Trust’s Overview of the Best Passports in the World to Get by Investment


Mimoun A. Assraoui is our CEO. He has advised thousands of clients regarding Citizenship by Investment. So, Assraoui has a complete understanding of the best passports in the world to invest in.

He invites readers to “check out our Passport Index. Start by looking at where the passport you currently hold ranks.”

“Unfortunately, not all the top passports are available to investors. Even through naturalization following Residency by Investment. Here, in reverse order, are the 9 best passports in the world to secure through investment.”

9.) Antigua and Barbuda

The Antigua and Barbuda Passport Ranking combines the number of visa-free, visa-on-arrival, and eVisa countries. That gives it a score of 158. Breaking that down, you can visit 98 destinations without a visa, 30 through visa on arrival (VOA), and 30 with an eVisa.

You become eligible for this travel document via Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment. The minimum investment required is $230,000. You qualify to apply for a passport after 6-12 months.

8.) St Kitts and Nevis

With the St Kitts and Nevis Passport Ranking, we’ve added together the total of visa-free, VOA, and eVisa destinations. This means it scores 161. Digging below the surface, that means you can enter 102 countries without a visa, 27 via visa on arrival, and 32 by eVisa.

Qualify for one of the best passports in the world using St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment. Here, you need to invest at least $250,000. Again, you become eligible for this travel document between half a year and a full year.

7.) United States

Moving onto the United States Passport Ranking, we’ve calculated all the visa-free, visa-on-arrival, and eVisa destinations available. The US passport scores 174. Drilling down, you can travel to 116 countries without a visa, 37 through VOA, and 21 with an eVisa.

You obtain American citizenship in 3 steps with the US EB-5 Investor Visa. 1.) You get a provisional Green Card following 27 months of residency.

2.) After a further 3-6 months, you receive a conditional Green Card. 3.) This ensures lawful permanent residency and US citizenship plus passport after 5 years.

6.) Canada

The Canada Passport Ranking collates the amount of visa-free, visa-on-arrival, and eVisa destinations. This gives it a score of 175. Upon further inspection, you can access 117 countries without a visa, 37 by VOA, and 21 via eVisa.

A minimum $275,000 investment allows you to apply to the Canadian Start-Up Visa Program. You must reside in Canada for at least 730 days (2 years) during a period of 5 years to maintain Permanent Residency (PR).

By living in Canada for a minimum 3 of these 5 years (1,095 days), you qualify for Canadian citizenship and passport.

5.) Malta

With the Malta Passport Ranking, we see an identical tally of visa-free, VOA, and eVisa countries to Canada. This means it scores the same, as in 175.

Yet we place the Malta passport higher due to the fact you can travel to 118 destinations with a visa (one more than Canada), followed by 32 via visa on arrival and 25 by eVisa.

Maltese Exceptional Investor Naturalization (MEIN) is an expedited path to European citizenship. Invest at least €600,000 to acquire Maltese nationality. After 16-18 months, you’ll become eligible for one of the best passports in the world.

4.) United Kingdom

The United Kingdom Passport Ranking adds up visa-free, visa-on-arrival, and eVisa destinations. This leads to a score of 177. That’s made up of visa-free entry to 118 countries, 37 with VOA, and 22 via eVisa.

It’s possible to naturalize from residency to citizenship through the UK Innovator Founder Visa. This is available via an investment of at least £200,000. You become a British national after 5 years of PR in the country and can then apply for a UK passport.

3.) Greece

With the Greece Passport Ranking, we’ve totalled up the number of visa-free, VOA, and eVisa countries. This results in a score of 178. That comprises visa-free access to 120 destinations, 31 via VOA, and 27 by eVisa.

The Greek Golden Visa is another Residency by Investment. You secure residency by investing a minimum €250,000 (rising to €400,000 if you leave applying until after the end of August 2024). After residing in Greece for at least 7 years, you become eligible for Greek citizenship and passport.

2.) Portugal

The Portugal Passport Ranking is an amalgamation of visa-free, visa-on-arrival, and eVisa destinations. This adds up to a score of 179. That comprises visa-free access to 120 countries, 31 via VOA, and 27 by eVisa.

By investing in the Portuguese Golden Visa, you acquire European residency. The most popular route to Portuguese Residency by Investment is through investing €500,000 in a local venture capital fund.

Spend a minimum 7 days in Portugal on an annual basis for 5 years and you’ll qualify for a Portuguese nationality and passport.

1.) Spain

With the Spain Passport Ranking, we again include visa-free, VOA, and eVisa destinations. This results in a 180 score. That constitutes visa-free travel to 126 countries, 30 by visa on arrival, and 24 via eVisa.

Join the rush for a Spanish Golden Visa as the Spanish Government have announced their intention to end the programme. The most common path to Spanish residency is to invest at least €500,000 in real estate.

Reside in Spain for 10 years (2 if you come from Latin America or the Philippines) and you’ll become a legitimate Spanish citizen who can apply for what is undeniably one of the best passports in the world.

Which are the leading passports for investors?

How to Get One of the Best Passports in the World in 2024

Using Residency and Citizenship by Investment, you can land a powerful passport. To find out which of these programmes are most ideal for you and your family’s situation, we recommend you get in touch with an experienced consultancy like RIF Trust. So, contact us now and we’ll show you how you can invest in a new passport.

9 Best Passports in the World to Get Right Now By Investment

Date: 16 August, 2024

Posted in: Caribbean, Europe, News feed