German Citizenship Eases With Nationality Law Reform
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Europe, News feed Date: 25 January, 2024

German Citizenship Eases With Nationality Law Reform

German Citizenship Eases With Nationality Law Reform

If you’re looking to acquire German citizenship, your path to German nationality became clearer thanks to recent events in the Bundestag. The German Federal Parliament passed a bill that will amend the existing Nationality Law. In this article, we will discuss the background of this reform and examine its implications. 

Nationality Law Reform Background

Even before the progressive coalition led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz came into power on 8th December 2021, the Federal Parliament had begun relaxing German citizenship requirements.

Two months before, on August 20, 2021, the Fourth Act Amending the Nationality Law came into force. It made provisions for:

  1. Victims of Nazi persecution and their descendants to become naturalized German citizens
  2. Those excluded by gender-discriminatory regulations from obtaining German citizenship at birth to acquire it via declaration
  3. Denying naturalization to anyone imprisoned, fined, or put into youth custody for antisemitic, racist, xenophobic, or other acts that threaten Germany’s democracy 

January 2024 Bill History

August 2023 saw the new provisions first mooted in Parliament. Olaf Scholz explained the rationale: “Germany is diverse.”

“That’s why we adapt our laws to the different realities of life. Whether on the question of gender, name or nationality – in the cabinet we have made important decisions that will further modernize our society.”

Friday January 19, 2024 saw the motion put to a vote. It was carried by a yes from 382, a no from 234, and 23 abstensions. The German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is expected to sign in due course, with the bill becoming law by no later than June 2024.

How Does This Affect German Citizenship?

Under the proposed amendment, the following changes are introduced:

  1. Dual citizenship is now allowed, with new German nationals no longer needed to renounce their original citizenship prior to naturalizing
  2. You can naturalize after 5 rather than 8 years
  3. This naturalization period can cut down to 3 years if you show a high level of integration or evidence of special achievements
  4. Proof of spoken German will replace a written German language test if you’re 67 or older
  5. Children born in Germany of at least one parent who has been living legally in the country for five years or more will automatically become a German citizen

The RIF Trust Take on Developments

Senior Relationship Manager Olessia Strashnova is our German residency expert. She welcomes the news: “Germany has a recent tradition of Italian and Turkish immigration.” “However, many of these newer arrivals have faced barriers to naturalization.”

She continues: “The scheduled legal reform smooths their path to citizenship.” “The amended law will also be of long-term benefit for foreign entrepreneurs in general looking to invest in German residency.”

“Germany is at the heart of Europe. It will be easier to become a citizen of a country that allows you to reap the rewards of its EU membership.”

It's become easier to get German citizenship.

How to Take the Next Step

If you’re interested in becoming eligible for German citizenship, you’re going to need informed advice. That is what we as an investment migration specialist offer. So, don’t delay and contact RIF Trust today.

German Citizenship Eases With Nationality Law Reform

Date: 25 January, 2024

Posted in: Europe, News feed