11 Golden Visa Portugal Documents Required to Apply - RIF Trust
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Europe, News feed Date: 30 August, 2024

The 11 Golden Visa Portugal Documents Required to Apply

The 11 Golden Visa Portugal Documents Required to Apply

RIF Trust’s Take on the Portuguese Golden Visa Documentation


Our Chief Operating Officer is David Regueiro. He makes the following observation: “The Golden Visa Portugal documents required is, as you will see, a long list.”

“Applying for Portuguese Residency by Investment is no walk in the park for Third Country Nationals” outlines Regueiro. “There are plenty of documents to collate for non-EU citizens.”

“It’s a bureaucratic labryrinth” our COO continues, “that our experienced staff can help you navigate. Once you apply to become a Portuguese resident, you are eligible for citizenship and a precious Portuguese passport after 5 years.”

General Golden Visa Portugal Documents Required

There are 10 Golden Visa Portugal documents required to complete your application. Without the following, you will not be able to become a Portuguese resident via investment. Here they are:

  1. A valid passport or other travel document
  2. Proof of entry and permanence in Portugal by way of entry stamps and visas, for example
  3. Demonstration of internationally-recognized health insurance that’s renewable to cover the initial period of residency and any subsequent ones
  4. Certified criminal records from your country of origin, or from the country (or countries) where you have resided for more than a year, issued no later than 3 months before applying and translated into Portuguese
  5. A tax identification number
  6. Completed form that authorizes the Portuguese immigration authorities to acquire a copy of any Portuguese criminal records
  7. Affidavit that you will commit to the 5-year residency requirement of the Portuguese Golden Visa and pay the relevant investment
  8. Evidence of good standing with the Portuguese social security and tax departments issued 45 days before your golden visa application
  9. Receipt of payment of the Portuguese Golden Visa application processing fee
  10. Portuguese bank account details including bank name, address, and IBAN

Necessary Investment-Related Documentation

As well as the above general Golden Visa Portugal documents required for a successful application, you will need to provide one further investment-specific document. It’s no longer to invest in Portuguese residency via real estate, so any proof of property purchase is now irrelevant. The specific Golden Visa Portugal documents required are one of the following:

  • Declaration of the credit institution authorized or registered in Portugal together with the Bank of Portugal, attesting to the effective transfer of an amount equal to or greater than the legally required if investing in Portuguese investment or venture capital funds
  • Declaration issued by the Cabinet of Strategy, Planning and Cultural Availability, providing the service of the cultural area with non-sector attributes, attesting to the nature of investment or support for artistic production, recovery or maintenance of the national cultural heritage, in the terms of approving the regulation of the issuance of the declaration that attests to the effective transfer of capital for purposes of authorization of residence for investment activities in the cultural sector
  • Commercial incorporation certificate if opting for the establishment of a new Portuguese business option

What documentation is required for a Portuguese Golden Visa?

How to Invest in Portuguese Residency in 2024

As our Chief Operating Officer advised, there is a mountain of paperwork to prepare. You can share this burden with a trusted Residency by Investment firm like RIF Trust. So, contact us now and we’ll show you how to get the Golden Visa Portugal documents required in order.

The 11 Golden Visa Portugal Documents Required to Apply

Date: 30 August, 2024

Posted in: Europe, News feed