Greece Golden Visa Programme Cost Goes Up in September 2024
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Europe, News feed Date: 07 August, 2024

Greece Golden Visa Programme Cost Rises in September 2024

Greece Golden Visa Programme Cost Rises in September 2024

The RIF Trust Response to the Rising Price of the Greece Golden Visa Programme

Our Greek Golden Visa authority is William Hakim. He advises you to “apply in August for the Greece Golden Visa Programme.” Hakim warns that “if you delay until September, you miss out on a €250,000 Residency by Investment.”

“Prepare to dig even deeper into your wallet if you fail to apply by Friday, August 30, 2024,” he concludes. “For the very next Sunday will see costs increase, in certain areas, to a minimum €800,000 investment.”

The Greek Golden Visa Cost Increase in Full

These are the conditions you have to meet to satisfy Greek Residency by Investment requirements:

  • If you’re interested in property investment in Attica, Thessaloniki, Mykonos, Santorini, and any island with a population over 3,100, you must buy real estate with a value of at least €800,000 instead of the current threshold of €500,000
  • If you’re contemplating investing in real estate in other areas, the new minimum is €400,000, up from the economic €250,000 
  • You can only buy one single real estate unit instead then a portfolio of properties whose accumulated total satisfies this new minimum
  • Or, you can buy a fractional share of a tourist complex that equates to a minimum €400,000 and €800,000 depending on the area
  • Any real estate bought must measure at least 120m2
  • Properties can be leased out only on a long-term rental agreement
  • Real estate cannot serve as your company HQ or a branch of your business

How to Invest in Greek Residency at the Present Price

The Greek government allows for a grace period. So, qualifying properties remain available at the current thresholds of €250,000 and €500,000 if you purchase real estate, pay a 10% advance, sign a pre-contract or private purchase agreement by Friday August 30, 2024, and complete your investment by Tuesday, December 31, 2024.

How to get a cheaper Greek Golden Visa.

Becoming a Greek Resident

If you want to extract more worth from the Greek Golden Visa Programme, you will want to register at a more reasonable price. Your next step should be to get in touch with a Residency by Investment expert like RIF Trust who can talk you through the application process. So, contact us now and we’ll show you how to secure a cheaper Greek Golden Visa.

Greece Golden Visa Programme Cost Rises in September 2024

Date: 07 August, 2024

Posted in: Europe, News feed