How to Secure a US Green Card by Investment - RIF Trust
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News feed Date: 02 September, 2024

How to Get a US Green Card by Investment

How to Get a US Green Card by Investment

RIF Trust and US Residency by Investment


David Regueiro is our Chief Operating Officer. He notes that the “American dream still captures the imagination of many and we’re often asked how you can get a US Green Card by investment.”

“Consequently, the US EB-5 Investor Visa is one of our most popular programmes” describes Regueiro. “The process to apply for a Green Card can, quite literally, be a lottery.”

“If you want to ensure you receive US residency,” our COO continues, “the only secure way is by investment. And, after 5 years of living in America, you become eligible for citizenship and qualify for a US passport.”

What Is a Green Card?

Yes, a Green Card is known as a Green Card because of its colour. Its proper title is a Permanent Resident Card. As well as guaranteeing lifelong settlement in the United States of America, it enables you to work Stateside too.

The precursor to the Permanent Resident Card was the Alien Registration Receipt Card. The Alien Registration Act of 1940 created this. Back then you couldn’t get this forerunner of the US Green Card by investment, but by registering at the American post office.

The Green Card was born after World War II. Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs) were the recipients of a Form I-151. As these documents were printed on green paper, they quickly became known as Green Cards.

With the passing of 1951’s Internal Security Act, the Green Card became even more enshrined. You could only prove you were a LPR if you had a Green Card. Without one, you could fall foul of the immigration authorities.

So revered did the Green Card become that unscrupulous individuals started to produce fake copies of it. To combat this fraud, the card began a chameleon existence. Over the years, it has changed colour, from green to blue to pink.

The latest incarnation of the Green Card dates back to 2023. The U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) incorporate a classic green background with similarly iconic stars, stripes, and Statute of Liberty. Having explored the history of the Permanent Residency Card, let’s move on to explaining how you can get a US Green Card by investment.

Avoid the Green Card Lottery

The Diversity Immigrant Visa Program awards 50,000 Green Cards annually. Selection to what’s become known as the Green Card Lottery is totally random. So with around 10 million applications, the odds are not stacked in your favour.

A more surefire way to attain residency in the Land of the Free is to secure a US Green Card by investment. The Green Card predates the EB-5 Investor Visa. US Congress launched the latter in 1990 to boost the economy.

It’s not as easy to work out why a EB-5 Investor Visa is called an EB-5 Investor Visa as it is to understand why a Green Card is called a Green Card. That’s because’s it abbreviates employment-based fifth preference visa. This route to residency is available in exchange for investment in projects that create jobs.

The majority of these projects are real estate developments. You have to generate double-figure employment, at the very least. So, the minimum number of jobs your investment has to create is 10.

Family-Friendly Residency

You invest a minimum $800,000 via regional centres (RCS) approved by USCIS. This path to a US Green Card by investment can see dependents join you. So, you can include your spouse and your children.

This affords you access to the US’ acclaimed educational institutions and its cutting-edge medical facilities. If you want your children to have an Ivy League education, it’s a whole lot easier if you’re all LPRs.

For those with health worries, the experience of American staff in what are regarded as many of the world’s leading hospitals will be all the more reassuring.

Getting a Green Card by Investment is a fairer system than the Diversity Investment Visa Program. USCIS caps each country at 7% of the total limit. After revitalizing the system in 2022, new applications face no backlog. There had been a delay dealing with older applications.

To claim your US residency, you have to visit the country. On arrival, you cannot stay out of the US for over 180 days a year. If you want your parents to join you in the States, they will have to apply separately.

There is a choice of regional centres to select from. It’s not necessary to live in the state in which they are based. This means you can take advantage of establishing yourself in a tax-friendlier state such as Florida, New Hampshire, or Texas.

How can you get a US Green Card by Investment?

How to Invest in US Residency in 2024

Do not take a chance with landing a Green Card. Consult a highly-regarded Residency by Investment specialist like RIF Trust. So, contact us now and we’ll show you how to get your hands on Green Cards for you and your family.

How to Get a US Green Card by Investment

Date: 02 September, 2024

Posted in: News feed