Organization of Eastern Caribbean States Opposition Backs CIP
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Caribbean, News feed Date: 06 June, 2024

Organization of Eastern Caribbean States Opposition Commends CIP

Organization of Eastern Caribbean States Opposition Commends CIP

On Monday, June 3, 2024, 4 of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) opposition leaders sign an open letter. St Lucia’s Honourable Allen Chastanet, the Honourable Jamale Pringle from Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada’s Honourable Keith Mitchell, and the Honourable Mark Brantley of St Kitts and Nevis add their name to this. It is supportive of Citizenship by Investment Programmes (CIP).

Organization of Eastern Caribbean States and Small Island Developing States

As well as geographical categorization, size defines OECS. So, they’re also Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Eastern Caribbean countries do not enjoy the resources of bigger, more developed states.

“We acknowledge the meaningful contribution that the Citizenship by Investment Programmes (CIP) have made and continue to make to the economic strength and resilience of our respective economies. The region and the Small Island Developing States (SIDS), in particular, have been hard pressed to find sufficient funding to build and sustain economic resilience.

– Leaders of the Opposition

Establishing CIP as a Piggy Bank

In the Caribbean, CIP funds finance the essentials. They’re a resource to be accessed in times of trouble too. So, they can be used for needs as much as wants.

“The CIP programs have been instrumental in providing critical resources for budgetary support, capital programs, investment and infrastructure improvement, especially at a time when external shocks have adversely affected us such as climate change, global wars, supply chain disruptions and global recessions.

– Leaders of the Opposition

Border Control

The OECS opposition leaders are mindful of the importance of international relationships. They mention the visa-free access provided by Caricom, the EU, Canada, the UK, and the US. With these great powers comes great responsibility.

“We acknowledge the importance of this trust and the shared responsibility it entails. We understand that maintaining the integrity of our borders is as crucial as safeguarding theirs.

– Leaders of the Opposition

One For All and All For One

Allen Chastanet and co know that the world is looking at the Caribbean right now. They understand the interest CIP are generating. So they pledge their commitment to the MOA belatedly signed by St Lucia.

“We express our strong support for the collective call for all participating countries to sign and enforce the Memorandum of Agreement and to adhere to one common standard, overseen by an independent regulatory authority, to ensure the continued success and credibility of our programs.

– Leaders of the Opposition

The View From RIF Trust

Chris Willis, Our Man in the Caribbean, appreciates the political unity shown by the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States opposition leaders.

“It’s refreshing to see opposing political parties come together in support of the CIP that have had such a positive effect in the Eastern Caribbean.

– Chris Willis

OECS opposition leaders champion Citizenship by Investment.

Caribbean Citizenship to Double in Price by the End of June 2024

If you want to secure Caribbean Citizenship by Investment for $100,000, you’re going to have to move quick. With the minimum threshold set to rise to $200,000 by Sunday June 30, 2024, now’s the time to talk to an investment migration specialist like RIF Trust. So, don’t delay and contact us today.

Organization of Eastern Caribbean States Opposition Commends CIP

Date: 06 June, 2024

Posted in: Caribbean, News feed