The Trump Immigration Agenda and Its Effect on the EB-5
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News feed Date: 15 July, 2024

The Trump Immigration Agenda and How It Affects the EB-5

The Trump Immigration Agenda and How It Affects the EB-5

The moment that will arguably define the US election campaign from here on now is 6:12 pm, Saturday July 13, 2024. It was at that particular time that a bullet from wannabe assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks passed through the right ear of presidential front-runner Donald Trump at an address in Butler, Pennsylvania. A bleeding Trump’s unbowed fist-pumping and cries of “Fight! Fight!” cemented his no.1 position in the presidential challenge but how will the expected Trump immigration agenda impact the EB-5?

What Is the EB-5?

The US EB-5 Investor Visa is one of the world’s premier Residency by Investment Programmes. It’s a product of 1990 and that year’s Immigration Act. The aim of Congress was to divert foreign direct investment to advance the American economy through capital injection and the creation of jobs.

As an investor, you and dependent spouses and unmarried children under 21, become eligible for lawful permanent residence by investing in commercial enterprises identified with US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)-associated regional centers.

This Green Card can qualify you and your family for US citizenship after 5 years. EB-5 owes it name to the employment-based fifth preference visa you’ll receive in exchange for your investment.

The Trump Immigration Agenda

2 minutes prior to that emblematic shot ringing out in Butler, Pennsylvania, Trump swung to his right to gesture to a chart indicating US immigration stats, a repositioning he attributes as preventing his death.

This chart is alarmist disinformation that utilizes red ink to emphasize “300K Biden World Record illegal immigrants, many from prisons and mental institutions, also terrorists.” It proceeds:  “Nothing like this has ever happened to our country.” are dubious about the accuracy of these figures. Or more exactly, they assert that “the data in the chart itself are accurate, but the Trump campaign editorial notes are not. “The red arrow at the bottom purports to correspond to the point that “Trump leaves office” and to be the “lowest illegal immigration in recorded history!””

The arrow’s actually pointing to April 2020. This was in the middle of the pandemic and the low numbers are unconnected with the Trump administration. What they relate to is COVID-19 curtailing mobility internationally.

We can learn from Trump 1.0 regarding immigration and use it to forecast what could occur happen during Trump 2.0. On Friday, January 27, 2017, President Trump as was signed Executive Order 13769.

Entitled Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States, it was dubbed Trump’s Muslim ban and its over-the-top excesses would cause a Trump slump in the amount of tourists travelling to the US.

There was some early perplexity regarding whether Trump’s Executive Order applied to EB-5 investors. It transpired that EB-5’s job-creation and capital injection excluded it from forming part of the order. In point of fact, 4 months down the line, Trump would extend the about-to-terminate program.

Passing From Trump 1.0 to Trump 2.0

One mustn’t be too influenced by Trump 1.0, particularly as the Trump 2.0 administration would build on the Trump immigration agenda. An aggrieved American Civil Liberties Union commissioned a Trump on Immigration paper.

This echoes concerns over Trump’s hyperbolic immigration messaging as they intimate that “a central promise of Trump’s 2024 campaign is to “carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history once in office.””

CNN suggests that this mass deportation will be massive. It’s a “militaristic plan to deport 15-20 million people”. Unregistered migrants resemble, for Trump, “an invasion of our country.”

Many suggest the Trump 2.0 administration will also focus their gaze on legal immigration. This could mean updates to the EB-5. Under Trump 1.0, the required investment threshold rose from $500,000 to $900,000.

The RIF Trust Perspective of Trump 2.0 and Investment Migration

Our CEO is Mimoun A. Assraoui. He still bristles at Trump’s Muslim ban. Assraoui is confident of a further Trump slump in interest in the EB-5 should the former President return to the White House.

“Trump’s Islamophobia will dissuade clients,” insists our CEO.  Something else to bear in mind is how long this Residency by Investment will last, Assraoui points out: “While it’s not easy to say with any degree of certainty what an emotive Trump might do months in advance, the future of the EB-5 is in the balance with the onset of Trump 2.0.”

Yet our CEO remains convinced of the popularity of this program due to its path to lawful permanent residence. “There’s no other ID that’s as household a name as the Green Card,” insists Assraoui.

“If you fear the EB-5’s unravelling, get one while you can. But if you fear a Trump administration affecting human rights, there are other North American investment migration options available. For instance, there’s the Canadian Start-Up Visa.”

What’s the future of the EB-5 under Trump 2.0?

How to Obtain US Residency by Investment in 2024

The return to the White House of Donald Trump and the Trump immigration agenda looks even more assured by the day. To ensure you invest in US residency by then, you will need to consult an investment migration specialist like RIF Trust. So, contact us now to find out how we can help you.

The Trump Immigration Agenda and How It Affects the EB-5

Date: 15 July, 2024

Posted in: News feed